We’re not like your typical webshop, that’s just full of random products and meaningless specifications – our range of products is backed up with extensive technical knowledge and many years of experience in the industry. One of the areas we specialise in is custom crossover design. Our test lab is kitted out with prototype cabinets and extensive testing and measuring equipment – and with a huge range of transducers at our disposal, we can fine tune passive crossovers for virtually any combination of devices.
Over the last few years, we have been developing a range of crossovers designed to work with selection of popular transducers. Recently we had to opportunity to put together a custom specification for a customer who was looking to upgrade some existing small speakers with an 8″ woofer and 1″ tweeter. He wanted to increase power handling and performance, and was looking for a premium solution that required the minimum of EQ. This meant a complete rebuild, new woofer, new tweeter and new crossover.
You can read about the design process here: https://speakerwizard.co.uk/designing-a-2-way-crossover-example-project/
If you want to skip to the details, we selected a B&C 8NDL51, B&C DE12TC and B&C ME15 horn flare, all premium components which offered improved sound quality and higher power handling than the original components.

Here are the measurements of the finished design, the red plot is on axis, and subsequent measurements are at 10 degree intervals. Measurements were taken in a standard room with a little dampening material, so will show room reflections.